More Bat Exclusions.
I'm gonna start posting more houses we've done Bat work on here with a quick run through on what we did. This is a House we did in...
More Bat Exclusions.
Different Types of Exotic Bats
Benefits of Bats
How Do Bats Get Rabies?
What is White-nose Syndrome?
Where can I get a Bat tested for rabies in Michigan?
Picture of a Northern Long Eared Bat
Picture of a Tri-Colored Bat
Picture of a Silver-Haired Bat
Picture of a Little Brown Bat
Where Do The Bats Go After The Exclusion Process?
What is Histoplasmosis?
How Do Bats Get In Your House?
What Is Rabies?
How Do I Find Out If The Bats Living In My Attic Have Rabies?